charmander era gay
jueves, 28 de abril de 2011
jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011
Despojose de su anó lema para anarzarse con la faciosa símpede que da nombre a todo ello
Oyose su esperanto exotado por la simesis del porte con que se azozegan y se sartan
Y valiose de su valiente endema para salzar una porriosa tópeda que ya de por si cortria en nuevos aires, sabiendo que sí, que se querian.
Nuevo audi A8.
jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011
Quilmes- del lado del Corazon."
Nike - Lebron Rise
"What should I do? Should I admit that I made mistakes? Should I remind that I’ve done this before? What should I do? Should I tell you how much fun we had? So this went well. Should I really believe I ruined my legacy? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? Should I have my tattoo removed? Do you wanna see my shinny new shoes? Should I tell you: I am not a roll model? Seriously, what should I do? Should I tell you I’m a championship chaser, I did it for the money, rings?. Should I be who you want me to be? Should I accept my roll as a Villain? Maybe I should just disappear. Stop listening to my friends? They’re my friends. Should I try acting? Just gotta deal with the heat, man! Be patient, after awhile the temperature drops and everything is sweet and easy! Should I be writing this down?Should I make you laugh? Or should we just clean the desk and start over. What should I do? Should I be who you want be to be?"
Nike - Earl and Tiger
"Tiger, I am more prone to be inquisitive to promote discussion. I wanna find out what you thinking was I wanna find out what your feelings are and did you learn anything."
"Som el centre del camp, som la nostra precision, som el nostre esforç, som atacants que defensen, som defensors que ataquen, som la nostra velocitat, som el respecte dels nostre rivals, som el reconeixement dels nsotres rivals, som cada gol que fem, som els sempre busquem la porteria contraria"